Tuesday, February 26, 2008
OPC to host "Not One More!"
For Immediate Release:
Contact: evan austin: 746-3750 day/eve
Coleen Ashly: 890-7813 day/640-8478 eve
Ojai Peace Coalition to Host
“Not One More!”
As the 5th anniversary of the war rapidly approaches many community members are feeling astonished at how long the war has gone on. Remember Donald Rumsfeld’s famous prediction in February 2003 of how long the war might last? “It is unknowable how long that conflict [the war in Iraq] will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.”
Now five years later and as Americans continue to die, many members of the Ojai Peace Coalition are feeling frustrated at their lack of success in bringing our kids home. “We’ve tried every option open to us as citizens”, said Coleen Ashly, a working single mom and activist residing in Ojai. “We’ve written letters to the editor, continuously contacted our elected officials, joined and formed groups, signed endless petitions, attended demonstrations, vigils, protests, donated money to organizations to try to change the political actions of our leaders and nothing has worked”.
The group’s Director, evan austin, has felt the same frustration. On the first anniversary of the war, he decided to take a bold step and added hash marks for every American Soldier’s death to his Ojai car to serve as a visual testament to the loss of life every day. He thought his protest would be short lived. Now almost four years later, there is no room left on his car, and he has also come to realize that a hash mark does not properly reflect the loss of nearly 4,000 American citizens.
So the group has decided to move forward with an event to honor each and every person who has died In Iraq by creating a living memorial at the fountain in Ojai’s Libbey Park on Friday, March 14th to Sunday, March 16th. During that weekend members of the community will be offered the opportunity to write the names of each Solider who has lost their life in the Iraq war in chalk, on the sidewalk. “We feel this visual action will remind people that the war is still going on and people are still dying every day”, says austin. “It’s important for our group to recognize the human loss and stop looking at body counts. We have lost real people, with real families and they deserve the honor and respect of all communities all over this country. The least we can do is speak their names”.
Individuals are encouraged to attend the event Friday and Saturday from 9am to 3pm and Sunday from 1pm to 7pm. Flag ceremonies conducted by local groups will be held at 9:30am Friday and Saturday and on Sunday at 1:30pm. Groups and Coalitions are encouraged to co-sponsor the event and attend at scheduled times, as groups, to sign names. Public officials and elected office holders are also invited to attend. The event will close Sunday evening with a Candlelight Vigil from 6:00-7:00 pm.
Every person signing will receive a Blue Ribbon for Peace to wear and will have an opportunity to sign a petition to the City of Ojai urging them to adopt a resolution calling for an end to the Iraq War. For more information or to schedule a time for your organization, group, or coalition to attend, please contact evan austin, 746-3750, or Coleen Ashly, 640-8478.
You may also visit www.ojaipeace.blogspot.com for more information.
The press is invited to attend.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Not One More!, Peace Pole, and War Taxes
i'm very excited to be sharing some upcoming new projects with you that give us opportunities to create a culture of Peace, and i look forward to your feedback and participation.
Not One More! is our biggest project yet, and mine personally as well. It's requiring applications and permits and money and LOTS of networking, so it's a good thing i don't have to do it alone: i've got YOU! PLEASE look over the event info and help where/when you can. Look for THIS COLOR!
Not One More!
As of now, there have been 3,963 U.S. military members killed in Iraq. As this number approaches 4,000, most groups and individuals calling for an end to the war will use that as a "milestone" date on which to protest. Locally, we're wondering why we should passively wait for a specific number to react to, and instead will stand together whatever the number and be heard: Not One More!
· Our action will take place on the weekend of March 14-15-16 in the fountain area of Libbey Park. Volunteers will staff the area in two-hour shifts during the day. Sunday evening the action will close with a candlelight vigil after the last name is written. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO COVER THESE SHIFTS.
· It will be a community-created memorial to those already killed in Iraq by providing opportunity for specific high-profile guests as well as volunteers and passers-by to write one or more names on the concrete in chalk.
· It will be paired with a petition to the Ojai City Council to urge drafting and adoption of a resolution to end the war and bring the troops home, built on the example and model of the resolutions recently passed by the Los Angeles and Santa Barbara city councils.
· Signers will also recieve a blue ribbon to wear, signifying their desire for and commitment to Peace.
This is BIG, and EXCITING! There is certainly a desire and need for volunteers, primarily to sign up for any of the several two-hour shifts that will comprise the days of our action. The action will take place from 9am - 3pm on Fri and Sat, and 1-7pm on Sunday. i also need a volunteer to call through the OPC Phone List and alert those non-email folks about this (as well as our other exciting projects!). WE ALSO NEED SPONSORS: the costs involved primarily include rental of the park and event insurance. We are offering event sponsorships at four different levels, so if you personally or as a business owner would like to explore a sponsorship, please let me know. If you can support this community action with a gift of your time, talents, or resources: please contact me to volunteer. You can also forward this message to friends and family!
Not One More!
Peace Pole Project
This project got jump-started with a donation designated for it, so i've purchased a beautiful 8-foot 4x4 and have begun preparing it for painting. My hope is to have it ready by this week.
Our next step is to paint it. To that end, WE NEED THREE ARTISTS who would be willing to be responsible for creating one "panel" of the four-sided pole (i already have contact for one artist). If you are an artist or you know one who might be interested, please call me at 805.746.3750 so we can keep this project moving. i want this pole in the ground by June!
War Taxes: Why Pay 'Em?
Tax Day is coming, and we're certainly all aware of the role we play in financing the violence and destruction that we deplore. i'm in contact with the Los Angeles team of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, and they'd be willing to come to Ojai to give a presentation on protesting war through nonviolent tax resistance. There are many ways to do it, and a responsible action means understanding the history, risks, and benefits. This is likely to take place the first week of April.
WE NEED A VENUE! i like to think big, but frankly i don't envision tax resistance as a huge crowd-maker. i'm thinking that the Chaparral Auditorium is too big, so we need something moderately-sized. If you have connections to a meeting-space that we can pursue, please let me know right away.
-evan austin, 805.746.3750
Not One More! is our biggest project yet, and mine personally as well. It's requiring applications and permits and money and LOTS of networking, so it's a good thing i don't have to do it alone: i've got YOU! PLEASE look over the event info and help where/when you can. Look for THIS COLOR!
Not One More!
As of now, there have been 3,963 U.S. military members killed in Iraq. As this number approaches 4,000, most groups and individuals calling for an end to the war will use that as a "milestone" date on which to protest. Locally, we're wondering why we should passively wait for a specific number to react to, and instead will stand together whatever the number and be heard: Not One More!
· Our action will take place on the weekend of March 14-15-16 in the fountain area of Libbey Park. Volunteers will staff the area in two-hour shifts during the day. Sunday evening the action will close with a candlelight vigil after the last name is written. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO COVER THESE SHIFTS.
· It will be a community-created memorial to those already killed in Iraq by providing opportunity for specific high-profile guests as well as volunteers and passers-by to write one or more names on the concrete in chalk.
· It will be paired with a petition to the Ojai City Council to urge drafting and adoption of a resolution to end the war and bring the troops home, built on the example and model of the resolutions recently passed by the Los Angeles and Santa Barbara city councils.
· Signers will also recieve a blue ribbon to wear, signifying their desire for and commitment to Peace.
This is BIG, and EXCITING! There is certainly a desire and need for volunteers, primarily to sign up for any of the several two-hour shifts that will comprise the days of our action. The action will take place from 9am - 3pm on Fri and Sat, and 1-7pm on Sunday. i also need a volunteer to call through the OPC Phone List and alert those non-email folks about this (as well as our other exciting projects!). WE ALSO NEED SPONSORS: the costs involved primarily include rental of the park and event insurance. We are offering event sponsorships at four different levels, so if you personally or as a business owner would like to explore a sponsorship, please let me know. If you can support this community action with a gift of your time, talents, or resources: please contact me to volunteer. You can also forward this message to friends and family!
Not One More!
Peace Pole Project
This project got jump-started with a donation designated for it, so i've purchased a beautiful 8-foot 4x4 and have begun preparing it for painting. My hope is to have it ready by this week.
Our next step is to paint it. To that end, WE NEED THREE ARTISTS who would be willing to be responsible for creating one "panel" of the four-sided pole (i already have contact for one artist). If you are an artist or you know one who might be interested, please call me at 805.746.3750 so we can keep this project moving. i want this pole in the ground by June!
War Taxes: Why Pay 'Em?
Tax Day is coming, and we're certainly all aware of the role we play in financing the violence and destruction that we deplore. i'm in contact with the Los Angeles team of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, and they'd be willing to come to Ojai to give a presentation on protesting war through nonviolent tax resistance. There are many ways to do it, and a responsible action means understanding the history, risks, and benefits. This is likely to take place the first week of April.
WE NEED A VENUE! i like to think big, but frankly i don't envision tax resistance as a huge crowd-maker. i'm thinking that the Chaparral Auditorium is too big, so we need something moderately-sized. If you have connections to a meeting-space that we can pursue, please let me know right away.
-evan austin, 805.746.3750
Monday, February 11, 2008
Happy Freedom-To-Marry Week!
This year the California Supreme Court is expected to rule on the legal right for gay and lesbian couples to marry. Join millions of like-minded Californians and sign this open letter asking the Governor to tell the court that the current law is unconstitutional and that all loving couples deserve the freedom to marry.
By adding your name, you’re taking a stand and showing that you’re someone who supports the freedom to marry and the honor, dignity and respect that come along with it. Make your voice heard by February 14, in this critical year for LGBT Californians. The time is now.
Happy Freedom To Marry Week, my LGBT friends. I DO support your freedom to marry if you choose to.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Happy Democracy Day!
Silly, sure...but it gets the point across and is no more complex than it needs to be:
Can we do this?
There has been energy in the halls of our supposed democracy for quite some time to join many many nations around the world (you know, those crazy bastards with socialized medicine and commitments to things like disarmament and climate change) and declare Democracy Day to be the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of every even numbered year. This very idea was introduced in Congress by Representative John Conyers and Senator Debbie Stabenow in 2005, where the bill (then H.R. 63 in the House and S.1130 in the Senate) had 112 cosponsors. The bill was referred in the House to the Committee on Government Reform, and in the Senate to the Committee on the Judiciary, where it died. As this is a new session of Congress, it would have to be reintroduced and receive new numbers.
In a nation that extols the virtues of democracy so much that we're willing to export it at gunpoint, a 60% voter turnout (and that's a record high) is barely a majority, especially when compared to other democracies generating 75%, 85%, and higher turnouts for elections. The idea is to improve our democracy - that is, our government by The People - by increasing civic participation and getting The People excited and off their asses. Conservative ideology has traditionally blocked such efforts with a claim that a day off for voting would hurt our economy and industry, which fully backs the critique that our corpocracy is alive and well and favored over our democracy. So can we do this? In the words of local favorite Barack Obama, "Yes we can!". i've already begun by declaring voting day a national holiday for myself and staying home from school and work, and i already have one friend joining me. i might even barbeque and drink some beer. Next i've called the offices of Representative Conyers and Senator Stabenow and asked them to reintroduce their legislation to create a federal Democracy Day holiday. Maybe we can even get the ball rolling by creating one here first.
Rep. John Conyers: (202) 225-5126
Sen. Debbie Stabenow: (202) 224-4822
cross-posted on the Ojai Post
Can we do this?
There has been energy in the halls of our supposed democracy for quite some time to join many many nations around the world (you know, those crazy bastards with socialized medicine and commitments to things like disarmament and climate change) and declare Democracy Day to be the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of every even numbered year. This very idea was introduced in Congress by Representative John Conyers and Senator Debbie Stabenow in 2005, where the bill (then H.R. 63 in the House and S.1130 in the Senate) had 112 cosponsors. The bill was referred in the House to the Committee on Government Reform, and in the Senate to the Committee on the Judiciary, where it died. As this is a new session of Congress, it would have to be reintroduced and receive new numbers.
In a nation that extols the virtues of democracy so much that we're willing to export it at gunpoint, a 60% voter turnout (and that's a record high) is barely a majority, especially when compared to other democracies generating 75%, 85%, and higher turnouts for elections. The idea is to improve our democracy - that is, our government by The People - by increasing civic participation and getting The People excited and off their asses. Conservative ideology has traditionally blocked such efforts with a claim that a day off for voting would hurt our economy and industry, which fully backs the critique that our corpocracy is alive and well and favored over our democracy. So can we do this? In the words of local favorite Barack Obama, "Yes we can!". i've already begun by declaring voting day a national holiday for myself and staying home from school and work, and i already have one friend joining me. i might even barbeque and drink some beer. Next i've called the offices of Representative Conyers and Senator Stabenow and asked them to reintroduce their legislation to create a federal Democracy Day holiday. Maybe we can even get the ball rolling by creating one here first.
Rep. John Conyers: (202) 225-5126
Sen. Debbie Stabenow: (202) 224-4822
cross-posted on the Ojai Post
Voting, Peace Pole, War Taxes, and Not One More!
Happy Voting Day! i hope you're excited and empowered to cast your votes today, and that you'll make it a priority. Although i've already sent in my absentee ballot, i'm looking forward to what is currently a one-person national holiday. Perhaps next election you'll join me...
i'm very excited to be sharing some upcoming new projects with you that give us opportunities to create a culture of Peace, and i look forward to your feedback and participation.
Find your polling place here.
Proposition 93(Term Limits): NO
Thank goddess for Citizen education! A letter from Carol Smith, President of the
Ojai Valley Democrats:
Dear Editor,
I am writing to urge Ojai citizens to vote "NO" on Proposition 93. Please consider the following arguments before you cast your vote for an initiative that is simply bad public policy.
The backers of this proposition would have us believe that it will further limit the number of years someone can serve in the legislature. But if passed, it would give current officeholders who would be "termed out" in 2008, the ability to remain in office for 6 more years if in the Assembly and 4 more years if in the State Senate. This would only apply to current officeholders; legislators termed out in previous years would not be eligible to run for their old seats.
Those pushing for the passage of this initiative are not thinking of what is best for California. This proposition will only make a bad situation worse and we should all be opposed to this blatantly self-serving proposition. In our own Senate District, we have an opportunity to finally lose Tom McClintock, who has never voted with Ojai Valley interests in mind and is due to be termed out this year. Former Assemblymember Hannah-Beth Jackson is a strong favorite for this seat, if it becomes an open race between her and probably Tony Strickland. Because of a strong voter registration effort being led by Vote Blue in Ventura County, we hope to have a Democratic majority of registered voters by July 4th - an excellent prospect for Democrats to gain another State Senate seat.
Because of existing term limits, we lost in 2004 and 2006 some excellent legislators who, under the terms of this proposition, would not be eligible to run for office again. These include Jackie Speier, Liz Figueroa, Helen Thomson, Rebecca Cohn and Hannah-Beth Jackson, to name a few. Further, if someone who had served 6 years in the Assembly and was elected to the State Senate, he or she would only be able to serve one term if this proposition passes. While current and future legislators would be able to serve a total of 12 years, former termed out members of the Assembly who are elected to the State Senate would only be able to serve a total of 10 years, or 1 term in the State Senate.
I have studied this measure and feel strongly that it is bad public policy, is detrimental to the democratic process, does nothing to increase the number of Democrats in the legislature and will only make a bad system worse. It is time Ojai was represented by a legislator of the caliber of Hannah-Beth Jackson. I urge you to vote NO on Prop. 93.
Carol Smith, President Ojai Valley Democrats
Peace Pole Project
With a goal of having the pole planted at Ojai House by June, this project is under way! The pole has been basically designed, and i'm very close to contacting a few local artists to create it. Much more to tell by our next message, i'm sure.
War Taxes: Why Pay 'Em?
Tax Day is coming, and we're certainly all aware of the role we play in financing the violence and destruction that we deplore. i'm in contact with the Los Angeles team of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, and they'd be willing to come to Ojai to give a presentation on protesting war through nonviolent tax resistance. There are many ways to do it, and a responsible action means understanding the history, risks, and benefits. This is likely to take place in either early or late March...more details to come!
As of now, there have been 3,945 U.S. military members killed in Iraq. As this number approaches 4,000, most groups and individuals calling for an end to the war will use that as a "milestone" date on which to protest. Locally, we're wondering why we should passively wait for a specific number to react to, and instead will stand together whatever the number and be heard: Not One More!
We are in communication with the City and a few other entities in order to commit dates and resources, but here are is the preliminary plan:
· Our action will take place on the weekend of March 14-15-16 in the fountain area of Libbey Park. Volunteers will staff the area in two-hour shifts during the day. Sunday evening the action will close with a candlelight vigil after the last name is written.
· It will be a community-created memorial to those already killed in Iraq by providing opportunity for specific high-profile guests as well as volunteers and passers-by to write one or more names on the concrete in chalk.
· It will be paired with a petition to the Ojai City Council to urge drafting and adoption of a resolution to end the war and bring the troops home, built on the example and model of the resolutions recently passed by the Los Angeles and Santa Barbara city councils.
· Signers will also recieve a blue ribbon to wear, signifying their desire for and commitment to Peace.
This is BIG, and EXCITING! There is certainly a desire and need for volunteers, primarily to sign up for any of the several two-hour shifts that will comprise the days of our action. This is subject to slight tweaking, but we're thinking 9am - 3pm on Fri and Sat, and 1-7pm on Sunday. i could also use a volunteer to call through the OPC Phone List and alert those non-email folks about this (as well as our other exciting projects!). If you can support this community action with a gift of your time and/or talents, please contact me to volunteer. You can also forward this message to friends and family!
Not One More!
i'm very excited to be sharing some upcoming new projects with you that give us opportunities to create a culture of Peace, and i look forward to your feedback and participation.
Find your polling place here.
Proposition 93(Term Limits): NO
Thank goddess for Citizen education! A letter from Carol Smith, President of the
Ojai Valley Democrats:
Dear Editor,
I am writing to urge Ojai citizens to vote "NO" on Proposition 93. Please consider the following arguments before you cast your vote for an initiative that is simply bad public policy.
The backers of this proposition would have us believe that it will further limit the number of years someone can serve in the legislature. But if passed, it would give current officeholders who would be "termed out" in 2008, the ability to remain in office for 6 more years if in the Assembly and 4 more years if in the State Senate. This would only apply to current officeholders; legislators termed out in previous years would not be eligible to run for their old seats.
Those pushing for the passage of this initiative are not thinking of what is best for California. This proposition will only make a bad situation worse and we should all be opposed to this blatantly self-serving proposition. In our own Senate District, we have an opportunity to finally lose Tom McClintock, who has never voted with Ojai Valley interests in mind and is due to be termed out this year. Former Assemblymember Hannah-Beth Jackson is a strong favorite for this seat, if it becomes an open race between her and probably Tony Strickland. Because of a strong voter registration effort being led by Vote Blue in Ventura County, we hope to have a Democratic majority of registered voters by July 4th - an excellent prospect for Democrats to gain another State Senate seat.
Because of existing term limits, we lost in 2004 and 2006 some excellent legislators who, under the terms of this proposition, would not be eligible to run for office again. These include Jackie Speier, Liz Figueroa, Helen Thomson, Rebecca Cohn and Hannah-Beth Jackson, to name a few. Further, if someone who had served 6 years in the Assembly and was elected to the State Senate, he or she would only be able to serve one term if this proposition passes. While current and future legislators would be able to serve a total of 12 years, former termed out members of the Assembly who are elected to the State Senate would only be able to serve a total of 10 years, or 1 term in the State Senate.
I have studied this measure and feel strongly that it is bad public policy, is detrimental to the democratic process, does nothing to increase the number of Democrats in the legislature and will only make a bad system worse. It is time Ojai was represented by a legislator of the caliber of Hannah-Beth Jackson. I urge you to vote NO on Prop. 93.
Carol Smith, President Ojai Valley Democrats
Peace Pole Project
With a goal of having the pole planted at Ojai House by June, this project is under way! The pole has been basically designed, and i'm very close to contacting a few local artists to create it. Much more to tell by our next message, i'm sure.
War Taxes: Why Pay 'Em?
Tax Day is coming, and we're certainly all aware of the role we play in financing the violence and destruction that we deplore. i'm in contact with the Los Angeles team of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, and they'd be willing to come to Ojai to give a presentation on protesting war through nonviolent tax resistance. There are many ways to do it, and a responsible action means understanding the history, risks, and benefits. This is likely to take place in either early or late March...more details to come!
As of now, there have been 3,945 U.S. military members killed in Iraq. As this number approaches 4,000, most groups and individuals calling for an end to the war will use that as a "milestone" date on which to protest. Locally, we're wondering why we should passively wait for a specific number to react to, and instead will stand together whatever the number and be heard: Not One More!
We are in communication with the City and a few other entities in order to commit dates and resources, but here are is the preliminary plan:
· Our action will take place on the weekend of March 14-15-16 in the fountain area of Libbey Park. Volunteers will staff the area in two-hour shifts during the day. Sunday evening the action will close with a candlelight vigil after the last name is written.
· It will be a community-created memorial to those already killed in Iraq by providing opportunity for specific high-profile guests as well as volunteers and passers-by to write one or more names on the concrete in chalk.
· It will be paired with a petition to the Ojai City Council to urge drafting and adoption of a resolution to end the war and bring the troops home, built on the example and model of the resolutions recently passed by the Los Angeles and Santa Barbara city councils.
· Signers will also recieve a blue ribbon to wear, signifying their desire for and commitment to Peace.
This is BIG, and EXCITING! There is certainly a desire and need for volunteers, primarily to sign up for any of the several two-hour shifts that will comprise the days of our action. This is subject to slight tweaking, but we're thinking 9am - 3pm on Fri and Sat, and 1-7pm on Sunday. i could also use a volunteer to call through the OPC Phone List and alert those non-email folks about this (as well as our other exciting projects!). If you can support this community action with a gift of your time and/or talents, please contact me to volunteer. You can also forward this message to friends and family!
Not One More!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
My Economic Stimulus Package : End the F#*%ing War!
i don't pretend to know a whole lot about economics or all the troubles that the housing market is in right now, but i'm comfortable enough to know that certain frivolities of society (schools, roads, health care, etc) are feeling a pinch. i also tend to believe educated economists when they say that a declining housing market and general loss of net jobs are sure signs of what they call "recession".
i get a little bit worried when, despite January's unemployment rate being higher than December's, President Bush claims that "for the first time in 52 months, we didn't create jobs." i become alarmed when he says that our economy is in a "rough patch", as though the financial standings of the world's only superpower are a neglected corner of his ranch.
what i DO know is that the occupation of and war on Iraq is costing the United States $720 Million every day of the tax money we're about to send more of. locally, that amounts to $487 Million from Ventura County alone to pay for fiscal year 2007, with FY2008 estimated to cost OUR COUNTY $550 Million. that's a lot of money. how much?
225,932 People with Health Care OR
980,187 Homes with Renewable Electricity OR
10,235 Public Safety Officers OR
8,203 Music and Arts Teachers OR
84,479 Scholarships for University Students OR
42 New Elementary Schools OR
1,647 Affordable Housing Units OR
205,194 Children with Health Care OR
65,285 Head Start Places for Children OR
8,299 Elementary School Teachers OR
7,353 Port Container Inspectors
so President Bush thinks that sending us a little tax rebate in June will help. maybe it will...like i said, i'm no expert. but good thing there ARE experts, and a lot of them seem to be saying that it won't help. or worse, that it amounts to a corporate tax break with little effect where it's intended: among The People.
so i say "End the War", and keep millions of dollars in local economies from the start. maybe we need to act locally and adopt a City resolution against the war like Los Angeles and Santa Barbara have. it might take some convincing that $4,100 per household of war costs and the 15 killed soldiers from Ventura County really are local issues, and that we have both the power and responsibility to do something about it.
i get a little bit worried when, despite January's unemployment rate being higher than December's, President Bush claims that "for the first time in 52 months, we didn't create jobs." i become alarmed when he says that our economy is in a "rough patch", as though the financial standings of the world's only superpower are a neglected corner of his ranch.
what i DO know is that the occupation of and war on Iraq is costing the United States $720 Million every day of the tax money we're about to send more of. locally, that amounts to $487 Million from Ventura County alone to pay for fiscal year 2007, with FY2008 estimated to cost OUR COUNTY $550 Million. that's a lot of money. how much?
225,932 People with Health Care OR
980,187 Homes with Renewable Electricity OR
10,235 Public Safety Officers OR
8,203 Music and Arts Teachers OR
84,479 Scholarships for University Students OR
42 New Elementary Schools OR
1,647 Affordable Housing Units OR
205,194 Children with Health Care OR
65,285 Head Start Places for Children OR
8,299 Elementary School Teachers OR
7,353 Port Container Inspectors
so President Bush thinks that sending us a little tax rebate in June will help. maybe it will...like i said, i'm no expert. but good thing there ARE experts, and a lot of them seem to be saying that it won't help. or worse, that it amounts to a corporate tax break with little effect where it's intended: among The People.
so i say "End the War", and keep millions of dollars in local economies from the start. maybe we need to act locally and adopt a City resolution against the war like Los Angeles and Santa Barbara have. it might take some convincing that $4,100 per household of war costs and the 15 killed soldiers from Ventura County really are local issues, and that we have both the power and responsibility to do something about it.
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