Ack! i THOUGHT that this morning's email felt kind of light, and then a bunch of new actions poured in! i hope you're thrilled that i'm sharing them with you!
i neglected to mention Bodhi Day (Buddhism) last Saturday, Eid Al-Adha (Islam) on the 20th, and Yule (Wicca and Pagan) on the 23rd. Happy Winter!
In This Addendum
Local Happenings
Citizens for Impeachment Meeting
House: Take Torture Off The Table!
George Won't Address Climate Change, But Al Will
December 15: Contribute to Dennis' Campaign!
· Ojai Peace Vigil - every friday evening from 5-6pm under the Pergola in front of Libbey Park. bring a candle and a sign, and dress warmly!
Citizens for Impeachment meets tomorrow (Weds)
Citizens for Impeachment meets tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 6:30 at Rusty's Pizza, 1413 S. Victoria Ave in the meeting room.
House: Take Torture Off The Table!
On Wednesday, December 12, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on legislation that would establish one humane standard of treatment for all detainees in U.S. custody.
This is our chance to eliminate the CIA double standard created by President Bush's executive order in July. If this legislation passes, U.S. intelligence agencies would have to comply with the U.S. military's clear interrogation standards. Tell your Representative you're counting on their vote on Wednesday.
CLICK HERE to take action!
George Won't Address Climate Change, But Al Will
Dear Friend,
As I head off to Bali, I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who have worked so hard and so long to bring the issue of climate change to prominence. I want to especially thank MoveOn members, and Wes, Joan, Eli and the whole MoveOn team, for the years of support and encouragement. To all of you who have written, emailed, called and organized, thank you.
In Bali, Indonesia thousands of delegates from nearly 190 countries have gathered at the UN Conference on Climate Change. In a few days, I will address the conference to urge the adoption of a visionary new treaty to address global warming and I want to bring your voices with me.
So, I need your help again.
Sign my petition today by clicking this link and I will bring your signatures on stage with me as a clear demonstration of our resolve.
Together, we will call on the U.S. government to assume a new leadership role in solving the climate crisis.
World leaders including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and newly elected Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd have all agreed to aggressively battle the climate crisis-yet our country still lags behind.
Over the next few days, I would like to ask you to help me get people from across the country to sign our message to the global community. We can demonstrate that the American people understand the immediacy of the climate crisis and want to work with the nations of the world to solve it. Time is short-we need to mobilize everyone to bring this message to Bali. Click here to add your name to my petition.
The American people want a visionary treaty to address climate change and for the U.S. government to play a positive leadership role in its development.
Together, we can make it happen.
Thank you,
Al Gore
P.S. After signing the petition, please urge your friends and family to sign the petition and join the movement.
December 15: Contribute to Dennis' Campaign!
On December 15th, 1791, the Bill of Rights took effect.
On December 15th, 2007, the biggest gathering of new Dennis Kucinich contributors and supporters will happen in living rooms across the country - with your help.
You already know that as president Dennis will be the strongest defender of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution - ready to lay down his life to defend them. Now Dennis needs you to bring that message to your neighbors, friends and family.
On the 15th, you can join supporters from around the nation by hosting a house party in your home and bringing new contributors to the campaign.
how to help?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
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