Friday, February 13, 2009

Let The Sunshine In! (Feb Actions)

DON'T FORCE DIVORCE rally today!
Marriage Equality Rally
When: Friday February 13, 2009 11:30a - 1:30p
Where: Ventura County Government Center 800 S Victoria Ave, Ventura, CA (Meet at the fountain)
What: Join the Ventura County Rainbow Alliance, Stonewall Democrats of Ventura County, and COLOR for a rally to show our resolve to overturn Prop 8 and to show support for the 18,000+ same-sex couples who were legally married in 2008

Season for Nonviolence continues!
The Season for Nonviolence continues with daily mantras designed to increase our awareness of ourselves, each other, and our planet! Here is a handful of current ones, and you can check in each day on the Ojai Post:
Feb 13: Today, I will speak with kindness, respect, and patience to every person that I talk with on the telephone.
Feb 14: Today, I will affirm my value and worth with positive "self talk" and refuse to put myself down.
Feb 15: Today, I will tell the truth and speak honestly from the heart.
Feb 16: Today, I will cause a ripple effect of good by an act of kindness toward another.
Feb 17: Today, I will choose to use my talents to serve others by volunteering a portion of my time.

Be A Citizen Diplomat for Iran
I believe in a peaceful solution to conflict with Iran, and elsewhere.

I believe that our country's leadership must seek those solutions, but that citizens like me have a role to play too.
I pledge to be a citizen diplomat, so I will:
... Stay informed and learn about Iran.
... Talk to friends and family, and ask for their help.
... Take action to support the new administration in pursuing diplomacy.

Sound good? Sign on with Peace Action West HERE.

I ♥ You, Our Planet, & Other Humans!
copied from
The Ojai Post, by author Raymond Powers:
I want to encourage everyone to start thinking now , if you are going to give gifts, about buying fairtrade/organic chocolate for Valentines day, cards from recycled materials and organically grown flowers.

Over 40 percent of the world's conventional chocolate (i.e. non-organic and non-Fair Trade) comes from Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), where the International Labor Organization (ILO) and US State Department have reported widespread instances of child slavery. Exploitation of cacao farmers and farm workers is the global norm in the chocolate industry, rather than the exception.

Meanwhile organizations such as the Pesticide Action Network point out that commercial flowers, produced in countries such as Colombia, are the most toxic and heavily sprayed agricultural crops on Earth. The high profits of the transnational flower exporters are derived from poisoning the land and farmers, while forcing workers in the flower industry, often young women, to work 18 hour days for poverty wages during peak flower buying times such as Valentine's Day.

Aquarians, Arise!
You know the song (even if you know it best from the end credits of The 40-Year-Old Virgin), and now it's here! According to its Wikipedia entry, the Age of Aquarius begins tomorrow and is marked by "electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealists, modernization, rebels and rebellion, mental diseases, nervous disorders, and astrology. Other keywords and ideas believed associated with Aquarius are nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverence, mankind and irresolution."

Sounds fun, huh? Most of us are probably more familiar with The Fifth Dimension's 1969 lyrics:
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation

Green Coalition's "Solar Night"
The Ojai Valley Green Coalition presents this presentation is designed for Ojai Valley residents to learn about solar electric systems. Members of the Energy Committee will show a comprehensive slide show about the solar electric industry, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with solar specialist on the committee. Attendees will learn about utility power, solar power, costs and financing, and how to determine if you're a good candidate for solar power.
Wednesday February 25, 2009 * 7:00 - 8:30pm * $2 donation appreciated

Nonviolent Communication in March
It's not too early to think about putting another tool in your Peace belt (or sharpening it if you've already got it) by attending Marshall Rosenberg's annual Nonviolent Communication training in Santa Barbara!This year it'll be on March 28-29 at Santa Barbara City College's Schott Center.
HERE is a contact form for more info, or you can contact me and i'll see about setting up a carpool!You can learn more about this life-affirming language model at The Center for Nonviolent Communication's website.

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