Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Clones, Nukes, and Endless War

Plenty to do and some fun stuff on the horizon! Please be mindful of the requests for help and feedback in this issue (and thanks to those few who have provided it already!). i'll also take this opportunity to remind you to simply do those actions that move you or that you have the time and energy for. We can't all always do everything, but we can all always do SOMEthing.

· Ojai Peace Vigil - every friday evening from 5-6pm under the Pergola in front of Libbey Park. Bring a candle and a sign, and dress warmly!
· WE ARE ALL RELATED, A Concert For The Earth
Saturday, January 26, 2008, 7:30 pm at EARTHPLAY ECO STORE. 501 east, Ojai Ave , Ojai.
JOE REILLY - Critically Acclaimed Singer/Songwriter on West Coast Tour
JUDY PIAZZA - Internationally known Singer/Songwriter & Percussionist Extraordinaire ... weaving dulcimer, vocals, native flute, didgeridoo, and drums from around the world ... Bring your own drums/percussion for community rhythm circle following performance!
Purchase tickets at EarthPlay Eco-Store, 501 E. Ojai Ave, SE corner of Fox & Ojai Ave, Ojai. $10 Presale, $12 at the door. (More if you can, less if you can't!)
Or call Judy at 248-563-0049 ... EarthPlay at 805-640-6844

Peace Pole for Ojai House
i've had precisely ONE idea/design submitted for a Peace Pole, which i'm moving ahead with in combination with my own. i'll still accept ideas at the link below:
Submit your environmentally-friendly designs or ideas (meaning both that we'd like to minimize the use of chemicals AND that it needs to withstand being outdoors in the elements) to me via email to get this ball rolling! As this progresses we'll likely have a face-to-face meeting for those who'd like to contribute.

February: Nuclear-Free Valentines!
Last year we participated in celebrating the 40th anniversary of Latin America's greatest gift to the world: a treaty which designated it Planet Earth's first nuclear-weapon-free zone. The Atomic Mirror is again helping us recognize this milestone in Peace history by sending our hand-made valentines to Mexico City as part of the celebration of the Treaty of Tlatelolco.
WE STILL NEED A HOST for a valentine-making party! If you have some space to share, please let me know so we can plan this OPC-exclusive event! we need to have the Valentines made and sent before February 14!

4,000 US soldier deaths commemoration
As of now, there have been 3,931 U.S. soldier deaths in Iraq. interest has been expressed in creating our own commemoration here in Ojai (rather than joining with the Ventura action), but i'm frankly frustrated and indecisive as to what kind of action would be most appropriate or meaningful. it seems that a vigil to mourn and honor the deaths only goes part of the way toward our real goal: to stop the war and prevent the 4,001st death. So, what action do we pair with a vigil? Are we willing to seriously write some letters, make some phone calls, get arrested? As this drags on and on, it seems we must change and improve our opposition and resistance lest we find ourselves operating on the exact logic that's failed this war in the first place: don't change anything, and expect different results. i'm very open to suggestions and offers of help/support/energy to create an action that would up the ante and put us closer to ending the war.

Stop Endless War in Iraq
President Bush is quietly negotiating an agreement with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to keep our troops there indefinitely--an agreement that could include permanent bases and a massive military presence for years.
Congress can stop the president from setting up permanent bases in Iraq and block an indefinite occupation--but it's not clear that they will. They need to feel a groundswell of pressure from voters immediately and loudly so they act on this quickly.
CLICK HERE to sign the petition. A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to your Senators and Representative.

Cloned Meat Should Be Labeled!
The FDA recently declared that meat from cloned animals is safe for human consumption. Write to Congress and urge them to pass a law that requires that all meat from cloned animals be clearly labeled.

Tell the DOE: No More Nukes!
The Department of Energy is required to review public comment for the next 3 months on the proposed plan for New Nuclear Weapons and Complex Transformation. Peace Action hopes to rally 10,000 citizens to speak out against this wasteful and dangerous program. Submit your comment, and ask your friends to do the same. Together, we can unite the Peace Majority.

Congress: We Need Transportation Reform!
We need a major overhaul to promote smarter, more efficient and innovative new approaches for dealing with traffic congestion. This starts with establishing a clear national goal for transportation efficiency tied to objective performance metrics.
Take Action! Tell your members of Congress to support radical reform of our transportation system to improve efficiency and reduce congestion.

Celebrate Voting Day, February 5th!
Is Election Day a National Holiday for you yet? California's primary election is February 5, and you can participate in your Democracy by becoming an Election Officer or sponsoring a Polling Place! Individuals and organizations are welcome: call 805-654-2784
Also, make sure you're registered to vote by visiting RockTheVote.com....it's fast and easy!

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